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FS Portal Commands

About Commands

These are the commands and syntax that the FSPortal will recognise. see the FSPortal Integration with SoundMill and VideoMill page for details on the procedure for sending commands and some usage examples.

Command Syntax and Case Insensitivity

Commands parameters must be separated by a comma. Commands are case insensitive. Letter case of commands is ignored. Example: These are all acceptable forms of a command: CuePlay, CUEPLAY, cueplay.

Troubleshooting Failed Commands: SoundMill and VideoMill do NOT check the syntax of IPC commands sent to FSPortal. If a command is not working, check the FSPortal Session Log to see if it is failing to recognize commands. The FSPortal IPC Log will log all commands that it receives. If you are sending a command but it is not received by FSPortal, there is likely something wrong with the IPC client configs or IPC is not started on one end of the connection.

Cue Commands

Cue commands operate on all sequences contained in the FS Cue.

Cue Commands syntax
  • CuePlay,CueName - Loads all sequences of the specified FS Cue into the FreeStyler Cuelist. Then Plays all sequences. (ex. CuePlay,MyCue)
  • CueStop - Stops the current playing FS Cue (all sequences). (ex. CueStop)
  • CueLoad,CueName - Loads all sequences of the specified FS Cue into the FreeStyler Cuelist. It does NOT initiate play, but some FreeStyler Cuelist options settings may automatically start play. (ex. CueLoad,MyCue)
  • CueSpeed,Speed - Changes the speed of the current playing FS Cue (all sequences) by the speed value. Valid Speed range is 10-500. (ex. CueSpeed,110)

Sequence Commands

Sequence commands offer variations on syntax. You can specify a Sequence by its name or by its Cue Index in the FS cuelist table. Valid Sequence indexes are 1-20.

Use Sequence Number Zero (0) to operate on the 'first' available Sequence in a Cue. For example if Sequence #1 was deleted from a Cue leaving it empty (null), the 'first' sequence would be #2.

Sequence Commands syntax
  • SeqPlay
    • SeqPlay,CueName,SequenceName - Plays a Sequence (specified by its name). (ex. SeqPlay,MyCue,BlueSeq)
    • SeqPlay,CueName,SequenceNumber - Plays a Sequence (specified by its Cue Index). (ex. SeqPlay,MyCue,3)
    • SeqPlay,SequenceName - Plays a Sequence (specified by its name) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqPlay,BlueSeq)
    • SeqPlay,SequenceNumber - Plays a Sequence (specified by its Cue Index) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqPlay,3)
  • SeqStop
    • SeqStop,SequenceName - Stops a Sequence (specified by its name) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqStop,BlueSeq)
    • SeqStop,SequenceNumber - Stops a Sequence (specified by its Cue Index) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqStop,3)
  • SeqSpeed
    • SeqSpeed,SequenceName,SpeedValue - Changes the speed of a Sequence (specified by its name) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqSpeed,BlueSeq,110)
    • SeqSpeed,SequenceNumber,SpeedValue - Stops a Sequence (specified by its Cue Index) contained in the current playing cue. (ex. SeqSpeed,3,110)

Note: If a Sequence command without a CueName is issued before any Cue has been played, it will fail because there is no 'current playing cue'. (example. 'SeqPlay,1' command would fail in this case, but 'SeqPlay,MyBlueCue,1' would work.)

FreeStyler Commands

These commands operate master buttons on the FreeStyler Cuelist panel.

Commands syntax
  • Blackout - Toggles FreeStyler Blackout On/Off. (ex. Blackout)
  • ShutOff - Plays the ShutOff Cue if one has been designated. (ex. ShutOff)
  • ManualTrigger - Simulates a press of the Manual Trigger button on the FreeStyler Cuelist panel. (ex. ManualTrigger)
  • ManualTriggerOff - Turns off the Manual Trigger mode. (ex. ManualTriggerOff)
  • MasterSpeed - Set the Cuelist Master Speed on the FreeStyler Cuelist panel. The speed value is expressed as a Percent of original recorded Sequence speed. (ex. MasterSpeed,200)